Don't you think that we're lucky being girls... I mean if we feel a mess or were having a bad skin day or something we can just pile this wonderful invention called make-up onto our faces and instantly look better! Boys aren't allowed to do that yet, not really.
Thing is, some girls take it a bit too far. I mean when did these people get together and say 'yeah, orange is the aim'. Even with the endless jokes and Facebook groups about 'being tangoed', some girls still insist on caking their face in orange gunk... I'll never understand it. I don't even wear foundation normally but when I do I use a light Bobbi Brown liquid foundation which just covers blemishes really, rather than changes my skin tone!
Anyway, when I was younger my obsession was eye shadow. There's a brand called 'Gosh' that I used to love. I remember Miss Davies shouting at me in school for having 'inappropriate make-up' on. In fairness to her, I can see her point now. It was BRIGHT BLUE. But at the time I just huffed to the toilet, washed it off then re-applyed when she'd gone. Nowadays, I'm slightly more conservative with my make-up choices. Dark purple is about as crazy as my eye colour goes, usually is just a brush of light coloured powder followed by a single line of liquid eyeliner, completed with lashings of Lancome mascara. I'm more likely to have a stand out lip colour on than eye shadow. But, I think eye colour may be making a come back. Realistically, i'd never go back to wearing outrageous colours like Gosh bright blue but maybe a few denim blues, or a nice splash of violet now and then.
However, my amazing friend agreed to be my model so I could test a few 'out there' colours and see how they looked... here is the outcome:
The first question you should all be asking yourselves is WHY on earth do I even own pink eyeshadow? I don't, my friend does. And I do believe that either makes her hilariously cool or just a serial hoarder of make-up... or both.
Anyway, I was actually surprised that the pink didn't look horrendous. That probably can be credited to the fact that my friend has gorgeous eyes but still, it really looks okay.
This one was a mix of blues. We started with a really light blue as a base and layered the lid with darker blues, then we drew underneath the eye with an aqua blue. The photo doesn't really do it justice, I apologise. But actually would recommend this... my friend really suited the blue as she has bright blue eyes. I have to make sure you realise at this point that the blue I used to wear was nowhere near as understated as this... seriously, it was BRIGHT blue.
I'm sure we've all experimented with this look a good few times. The Taylor Momsen look as I call it... to be fair, she pulls it off pretty well. I'm a firm believer in drastic lipstick OR dark eyes. Never combine the two, you look like you're trying too hard... but for the sake of my blog, my friend agreed to commit the cardinal sin. To be honest, I think it looks quite cool in the photos I took BUT I wouldn't really advocate her wearing out... leave it to Taylor and the emos.
I could've carried on for hours painting my friend's face but her little brother needed a lift home.
Really, taking photos today was like a practice run for me. On Sunday I have my wonderful, helpful friends coming over for a full day photo shoot for my NEW LAYOUT. So take it all in, because hopefully come Sunday, the layout will be all set for S/S11. Fingers crossed.
Pour Maintenant, Au Revoir,
Tout Mon Amour,
Neen x
Friday, 28 January 2011
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Rosie V Megan?
Megan Fox is not my idea of a nice girl. I know you shouldn't believe everything you read but the papers don't paint her in a nice light... the way she treated the people on the set of transformers etc. Anyway, apart from being wildly jealous of her taut, toned stomach, I really don't think she's that pretty... and I never really like people that everyone else likes. Rihanna is the one exception to this rule as I have a major girl crush on her as does every other person in the world at the moment, but she's just WOW.
Anyway, so being a bit of a girl, it annoys me that all the boys I know fancy Fox and I really was pleased when I heard that she would not be in the new transformers! HA.
But who would replace the illustrious Megan?
Rosie Huntington-Whitely. She can be seen here modelling Victoria's Secret's new range of lingerie. I've also read that she recently became a Victoria's Secret 'Angel' which is the highest rank of model within the company... Impressive.
Now I admit, she's not my kind of girl. As previously stated, Rihanna is my girl crush. I have a love for Hayley Williams and Audrey Tautou... and I can sometimes become slightly smitten with Ellie Goulding. But our Rosie here has replaced Megan Fox... that shoots her way up in my opinion. The only thing I've ever liked with Megan Fox in is Eminem's- love the way you lie video and I think that was because it's Eminem and I couldn't bring myself to dislike anything he does as I love him... So this is a real treat for me. The fact that Rosie is a full on hottie just sweetens the deal. Chat forums have suggested that she may be a little on the skinny side, but she's airbrushed anyway! And besides, it'll only be jealous people saying that really... I know I'm jealous as hell of those toned abs and defined legs.
Anyway, I just thought I would share my good news with you readers :) I hope Foxy is wishing she hadn't been such a douche now. If Rosie could breeze past Megan in FHM's sexiest women list too, well I could die happy! :) Also, just to confirm I'm aware she looks very similar to Meg, but shush!
Pour Maintenant, Au Revoir,
Tout Mon Amour,
Neen X
PS. I'm aware I promised my next post to feature on charity shops but I haven't had chance to do any research into them yet in the form of actually shopping in them... But don't worry, I haven't forgotten!
Anyway, so being a bit of a girl, it annoys me that all the boys I know fancy Fox and I really was pleased when I heard that she would not be in the new transformers! HA.
But who would replace the illustrious Megan?
Rosie Huntington-Whitely. She can be seen here modelling Victoria's Secret's new range of lingerie. I've also read that she recently became a Victoria's Secret 'Angel' which is the highest rank of model within the company... Impressive.
Now I admit, she's not my kind of girl. As previously stated, Rihanna is my girl crush. I have a love for Hayley Williams and Audrey Tautou... and I can sometimes become slightly smitten with Ellie Goulding. But our Rosie here has replaced Megan Fox... that shoots her way up in my opinion. The only thing I've ever liked with Megan Fox in is Eminem's- love the way you lie video and I think that was because it's Eminem and I couldn't bring myself to dislike anything he does as I love him... So this is a real treat for me. The fact that Rosie is a full on hottie just sweetens the deal. Chat forums have suggested that she may be a little on the skinny side, but she's airbrushed anyway! And besides, it'll only be jealous people saying that really... I know I'm jealous as hell of those toned abs and defined legs.
Anyway, I just thought I would share my good news with you readers :) I hope Foxy is wishing she hadn't been such a douche now. If Rosie could breeze past Megan in FHM's sexiest women list too, well I could die happy! :) Also, just to confirm I'm aware she looks very similar to Meg, but shush!
Pour Maintenant, Au Revoir,
Tout Mon Amour,
Neen X
PS. I'm aware I promised my next post to feature on charity shops but I haven't had chance to do any research into them yet in the form of actually shopping in them... But don't worry, I haven't forgotten!
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
“When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical.”
Today I experienced the first of many hurdles I expect all journalists have to face. Criticism.
Now, in my opinion criticism is always constructive whether negative or positive and I always try to learn from what other people say. I value all the opinions of my readers and if any of you ever thought I wasn't right in something I said or had an idea of what I should write about etc, I would be very pleased to hear from any of you.The thing I don't like is 'bitching'. In fairness, the only people who feel the need to bitch are those who aren't brave enough to say it to the person's face. My friend told me that a girl I went to school with wasn't impressed with my blog as apparently I 'only shop at topshop'. I find this strange because I've written many posts and only a couple have been about topshop. I admit, Topshop is my favourite shop! But I don't see how that means I can't write a fashion blog? I've written about a wide variety of shops but that's not the point. The point is; I imagine that when I am a journalist I will have to cope with narrow minded people making ill-informed opinions about me behind my back... however, it all seems a little high school.
I'm not forcing people to read my blog and I don't expect everyone to enjoy it. I write because I enjoy it and other people liking it too is just an added bonus. I really appreciate everyone who reads this blog and for those who don't enjoy it, feel free to give me some constructive criticism. I would never ignore someone's opinion and to prove this; my next post will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of charity shops. I myself am not an avid fan, that mainly comes from my inability to trawl through unorganised rails, but I have seen people wearing some real vintage gems from the likes of the British Heart Foundation etc. I hope the theme of my next post will please my first critic and I also hope that people will soon realise that bitching on Facebook isn't the way to act like a grown-up. I feel like I'm a better person for realising this and I hope others will follow suit.
As Coco Chanel once said- "Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future."
Let's not act like we have just escaped adolescence? Chanel wouldn't approve.
Pour Maintenant, Au Revoir.
Tout Mon Amour,
Neen X
Sunday, 23 January 2011
what NOT to wear...
Trinny and Susannah may have been onto something to be honest. I went into Revolution (the bar) in Liverpool for the first time in ages on Friday night and I have to admit that I wasn't impressed with the fashionistas. Liverpool has always been a city for which people associate fashion with, or so I'd like to think. We've got the Cavern Walks shopping centre where the likes of Coleen Rooney, Alex Gerrard and even Cheryl Cole (rumour probably) can be found perusing Cricket or Vivienne Westwood... and then there's the high street stores for those of us who don't have the will power to save up for one designer piece when we can have 20 pieces from Topshop! My point is that I was let down. I saw one girl wearing a polo shirt style dress that really reminded me of the 'Donnay' sports dresses my friends and I wore to school in the summer when we were 11. Another fashion disaster was a girl wearing high-waisted shorts with a stripy blue and white vest top paired with silver slingback sandals that would have gone better with a prom dress... I must admit that those shoes are a pet hate of mine anyway. But she had also matched her bag to her shoes which I feel can sometimes be a bad idea.
Admittedly, if you're wearing an LBD (little black dress) and you throw on some statement red heels with a red bag to match... well that's simple and effective. But the posh prom shoes and sparkly bag looked completely out of place with her denim hot pants and sailor themed top. I think people sometimes find it easier if you tell them what NOT to wear, rather than what to wear. For instance, without naming names, I have 1 friend who I think dresses perfectly for her figure and style. She has real individual flair and never fails to look effortlessly gorgeous... my mum made a point that an eye for fashion may well be one of those things that you've either got or you haven't. In that case, this friend definitely has got a knack for it. However, I have another friend whose wardrobe full of clothes thrills me every time I go round. I love her style, it's very thrown together, very grunge yet feminine without being girly though... the problem is she has maaaasive boobs. She tries to hide them by wearing things that just end up making them looks ten times bigger anyway when really she should be embracing the fact that she has a cleavage- god knows I'd kill for one! So I do think that being told what to steer clear of is much simpler than having a rule book of what you're allowed to buy...
Having said all of the above, there was one girl in Revs whose outfit I really wanted to steal. She had dark blue skinnies on, a plain top that I didn't really take much notice of, and a jacket... oh the jacket. It was a camel coloured blazer with leather pads on the elbows and it was ever so slightly cropped... I was in love. And not to mention the heels, huge platformed red ones with a multitude of straps and they were just to die for. I've been desperately trying to find a picture of either the jacket or the heels online, but alas no luck.
But, I can offer you this little catwalk video of my outfit I had on that night:
I went pretty casual, but I'm literally in love with this jumper I have on. I bought it from Reiss in the sale and it's so soft and it fits so well :)
Anyway, I best be off. I am very tired and I need to get up early tomorrow!
Pour Maintenant, Au Revoir.Tout Mon Amour,Neen X
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Vogue, strike a pose.
"Sometimes, when I was really broke, I'd buy vogue instead of food. I just felt it fed me more"
- Carrie Bradshaw
Words can't describe how much I agree with this quote. As much as people who know me will find this hard to believe, I'd even prefer to buy the most recent issue of vogue than clothes. I literally can't get enough of it...
So you can imagine my happiness when the best friend's belated Christmas present to me arrived and it was the Vogue Covers hardback which I've been staring at longingly in shop windows for the past few months. It's amazing, I just love looking at all the covers. Models intrigue me, I don't really have that thing where they make me feel bad about myself. I'm more of an admirer. I accept I'll never look like them, so I just allow myself to admire their beauty and that mysterious, distant look they all have in their eyes.
Okay, so this one is a bit of a given. This, according to my book, was the first vogue cover to feature an actual person. So it was inevitable that it would make the favourites list... I mean the previous covers were interesting and some of them were so arty and thought provoking... but vogue wouldn't be vogue without all the gorgeous models or stars on the cover.
Now, I also have to admit that this one is a bit of a cheat too. But after seeing Brit Eckland on I'm a Celebrity last year, I was intrigued to see what she looked like when she was younger. And WOW. This photo of her on the June 1966 issue is simply stunning. I have a particular love for the hair too. She's just amazing. Those eyes... god, if anyone could make me wish to look different it's her.
So Kate Moss and Vogue go hand in hand really. As far as I can tell, she's the most featured model in Vogue. But this one is my favourite. This is her first ever Vogue cover before she was famous... she looks so innocent and young! It's photographs like this that make you realise just how naturally beautiful she is. I'd kill for her bone structure, I really would.
And lastly, but certainly not least. The people's princess herself. This Vogue cover featuring Diana was to mark her death in 1997. I have to admit, I'm not one of those avid Diana fans, but I did like her. And I certainly admired her elegance and beauty. The reason I love this cover though is for the simplicity. A really casual photo, she looks really natural... and there's no headlines of what features in the magazine that month. The sole focus of the cover is her and that lovely, effortless smile.
So my final point... anyone who loves fashion, I urge you to buy this book. It really is a gem.
A million thank-yous to my best friend for buying it for me :) <3 you.
Pour Maintenant, Au Revoir.
Tout Mon Amour,
Neen X
- Carrie Bradshaw
Words can't describe how much I agree with this quote. As much as people who know me will find this hard to believe, I'd even prefer to buy the most recent issue of vogue than clothes. I literally can't get enough of it...
So you can imagine my happiness when the best friend's belated Christmas present to me arrived and it was the Vogue Covers hardback which I've been staring at longingly in shop windows for the past few months. It's amazing, I just love looking at all the covers. Models intrigue me, I don't really have that thing where they make me feel bad about myself. I'm more of an admirer. I accept I'll never look like them, so I just allow myself to admire their beauty and that mysterious, distant look they all have in their eyes.
So I've been trawling through it desperately trying to pick my favourite covers from the vast selection so that you can all get a feel for how amazing it really is. I narrowed it down to a shortlist, but I know when I've posted this I'll find another one that I adore. So I'd probably expect quite a few blogs about this one readers...

Now, I also have to admit that this one is a bit of a cheat too. But after seeing Brit Eckland on I'm a Celebrity last year, I was intrigued to see what she looked like when she was younger. And WOW. This photo of her on the June 1966 issue is simply stunning. I have a particular love for the hair too. She's just amazing. Those eyes... god, if anyone could make me wish to look different it's her.
So Kate Moss and Vogue go hand in hand really. As far as I can tell, she's the most featured model in Vogue. But this one is my favourite. This is her first ever Vogue cover before she was famous... she looks so innocent and young! It's photographs like this that make you realise just how naturally beautiful she is. I'd kill for her bone structure, I really would.
And lastly, but certainly not least. The people's princess herself. This Vogue cover featuring Diana was to mark her death in 1997. I have to admit, I'm not one of those avid Diana fans, but I did like her. And I certainly admired her elegance and beauty. The reason I love this cover though is for the simplicity. A really casual photo, she looks really natural... and there's no headlines of what features in the magazine that month. The sole focus of the cover is her and that lovely, effortless smile.
So my final point... anyone who loves fashion, I urge you to buy this book. It really is a gem.
A million thank-yous to my best friend for buying it for me :) <3 you.
Pour Maintenant, Au Revoir.
Tout Mon Amour,
Neen X
Friday, 14 January 2011
Wow, now that's a statement
Words cannot describe how much I love this photo. It's off the Topshop website advertising their imminent spring line which I can't wait for!
I wish I had this girl's cheek bones in order to pull off her pixie cut... but I especially love the contrasting blue nail varnish to the red lips. I have a Barry M nail colour very similar... I think I may have showed you all a few blogs back.
If I can get away with this much red with my hair, this will most definitely be my coat for this year's festivals. I love it.
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Fashion's Biggest Crime?
As per, the new year has brought resolutions aplenty by all my friends vowing to drop a dress size, get that bikini body or just change their eating habits all together for a more healthy lifestyle. My Facebook is literally inundated with statuses broadcasting how much weight has been lost or how much exercise they've done that day... I have to admit, it's making me feel pretty self-conscious. I don't think I'm fat, I may say it from time to time when I'm stressing but I know I'm a healthy body shape. However, I definitely eat far too much of the bad stuff. Well, in my opinion the good stuff... but you know what I mean.
My question is, how much of a role does the fashion industry play in body anxiety?
I know every article you ever read on the subject blames the media. Magazines depicting gorgeous, slim women set targets for young girls that we feel like we have to reach and maintain. I'm not sure if I agree though, I mean I don't think the media is completely to blame... and even if they are, what is so wrong with aspiring to be thin? In our country, we now have the first generation of teenagers that could die before their parents due to their weight... so why are we condemning people who make an effort to stay thin? I'm not talking about anorexic girls... that's a whole different story. But those people who are size 8/10/12 even 14 is a healthy size and who make the effort to exercise regularly and eat fruit and veg, they should be rewarded not made to feel like they've done something wrong. I commend all of you out there who make a conscious effort to maintain your figures and exercise. I wish I had the will power to eat healthily... I really am going to try though. I think everyone should. New year, new you and all that... Come on girls, we can do it together! :) I'll keep you updated on how I'm doing and I'd love for you all to let me know how you are all doing!
Pour Maintenant, Au revoir.
Tout Mon Amour,
Neen x
My question is, how much of a role does the fashion industry play in body anxiety?
I know every article you ever read on the subject blames the media. Magazines depicting gorgeous, slim women set targets for young girls that we feel like we have to reach and maintain. I'm not sure if I agree though, I mean I don't think the media is completely to blame... and even if they are, what is so wrong with aspiring to be thin? In our country, we now have the first generation of teenagers that could die before their parents due to their weight... so why are we condemning people who make an effort to stay thin? I'm not talking about anorexic girls... that's a whole different story. But those people who are size 8/10/12 even 14 is a healthy size and who make the effort to exercise regularly and eat fruit and veg, they should be rewarded not made to feel like they've done something wrong. I commend all of you out there who make a conscious effort to maintain your figures and exercise. I wish I had the will power to eat healthily... I really am going to try though. I think everyone should. New year, new you and all that... Come on girls, we can do it together! :) I'll keep you updated on how I'm doing and I'd love for you all to let me know how you are all doing!
Pour Maintenant, Au revoir.
Tout Mon Amour,
Neen x
Monday, 10 January 2011
Hello Lover...
My favourite words ever uttered by the legendary SJP... but in my case my lover is a bag, not shoes.

Anyway, this was my 'piece de resistance'... however, it's terrifying actually taking it out the house. I do feel much happier when it's safe in it's dust cover in my handbag box. The trip itself has to be described as intoxicating too. I mean, London, wow. I know that so many people hate it, but I loved the fast paced, ruthless hurry of the city. I may be deluded but the way everyone rushes around like there's no tomorrow... they all have this look of steely determination painted onto their face. Not the tourists, no. You can tell who are the tourists and who are the Londoners, because the latter are rolling their eyes at the others. I want to be in the latter, I want to be able to navigate the tubes like a pro and shop in Harrods every weekend rather than just every birthday. To say I was mesmerised would be an understatement. France is where I want to settle and write for Parisian Vogue, New York is where I want to do my christmas shopping every year, Monte Carlo is where I want to holiday and London... London is where I want to put myself on the map, be a young professional and gain all the possible life experience I could need.
My birthday shopping trip to London resulted in me spending way too much money on this deliciously gorgeous Miu Miu clutch bag. The best friend had to convince me that it was worth it... I was trying to be sensible and use some of my birthday money to pay off my hideous overdraft but this clutch kicked my sensible self's butt. It's made of the softest leather I've ever felt in my life and the smell of it whilst standing in Harrods surrounded by all those designer handbags was intoxicating... plus I must admit that there was a part of me that wanted to buy it to prove the snotty sales assistant that I could afford to!

London, congratulations. You've officially been promoted to fourth favourite city.
Pour Maintenant, Au Revoir.
Tout Mon Amour.
Neen x
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
I have a topshop abuse problem
I seriously do. I go walking through Topshop with my best friend and I must repeat the sentence, 'I've got that', a dozen times. It's ridiculous, I have more clothes than my mum and she's the one with the huge walk in wardrobe! However, Im not really one for variety. I mean I'm an Urban Outfitters lover and an avid fan of River Island heels... but Topshop is my main clothes shop. I guess most girls my age would say that, but seriously... at any given time you ask me where my top is from, or where I bought my dress... the answer is 99% Topshop.
It's my birthday this Thursday and my parents are giving me money to go shopping in London :) perfect present for a shopping lover like me...however depending on the cash sum they give me, I'm torn on what to spend it on. Half of me wants to go all out and treat myself to a really flash bag... Miu Miu or Michael Kors... something I'll love and keep forever. The other half of me wants to buy the whole of Topshop :)
Topshop doesn't make me decision any easy with it's trends for spring 2011. I love these 2... both started taking off in 2010 but didn't totally come into fashion. However 2011- they're gonna be huge!
I can't wait :)
Maybe I will treat myself to a designer piece... and save my topshop addiction for the spring lines!
Pour Maintenant, Au Revoir,
Tout Mon Amour,
Neen x
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