Don't you think that we're lucky being girls... I mean if we feel a mess or were having a bad skin day or something we can just pile this wonderful invention called make-up onto our faces and instantly look better! Boys aren't allowed to do that yet, not really.
Thing is, some girls take it a bit too far. I mean when did these people get together and say 'yeah, orange is the aim'. Even with the endless jokes and Facebook groups about 'being tangoed', some girls still insist on caking their face in orange gunk... I'll never understand it. I don't even wear foundation normally but when I do I use a light Bobbi Brown liquid foundation which just covers blemishes really, rather than changes my skin tone!
Anyway, when I was younger my obsession was eye shadow. There's a brand called 'Gosh' that I used to love. I remember Miss Davies shouting at me in school for having 'inappropriate make-up' on. In fairness to her, I can see her point now. It was BRIGHT BLUE. But at the time I just huffed to the toilet, washed it off then re-applyed when she'd gone. Nowadays, I'm slightly more conservative with my make-up choices. Dark purple is about as crazy as my eye colour goes, usually is just a brush of light coloured powder followed by a single line of liquid eyeliner, completed with lashings of Lancome mascara. I'm more likely to have a stand out lip colour on than eye shadow. But, I think eye colour may be making a come back. Realistically, i'd never go back to wearing outrageous colours like Gosh bright blue but maybe a few denim blues, or a nice splash of violet now and then.
However, my amazing friend agreed to be my model so I could test a few 'out there' colours and see how they looked... here is the outcome:
The first question you should all be asking yourselves is WHY on earth do I even own pink eyeshadow? I don't, my friend does. And I do believe that either makes her hilariously cool or just a serial hoarder of make-up... or both.
Anyway, I was actually surprised that the pink didn't look horrendous. That probably can be credited to the fact that my friend has gorgeous eyes but still, it really looks okay.
This one was a mix of blues. We started with a really light blue as a base and layered the lid with darker blues, then we drew underneath the eye with an aqua blue. The photo doesn't really do it justice, I apologise. But actually would recommend this... my friend really suited the blue as she has bright blue eyes. I have to make sure you realise at this point that the blue I used to wear was nowhere near as understated as this... seriously, it was BRIGHT blue.
I'm sure we've all experimented with this look a good few times. The Taylor Momsen look as I call it... to be fair, she pulls it off pretty well. I'm a firm believer in drastic lipstick OR dark eyes. Never combine the two, you look like you're trying too hard... but for the sake of my blog, my friend agreed to commit the cardinal sin. To be honest, I think it looks quite cool in the photos I took BUT I wouldn't really advocate her wearing out... leave it to Taylor and the emos.
I could've carried on for hours painting my friend's face but her little brother needed a lift home.
Really, taking photos today was like a practice run for me. On Sunday I have my wonderful, helpful friends coming over for a full day photo shoot for my NEW LAYOUT. So take it all in, because hopefully come Sunday, the layout will be all set for S/S11. Fingers crossed.
Pour Maintenant, Au Revoir,
Tout Mon Amour,
Neen x
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